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Write Your Resume
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• Resumes
The "Write" Way to Present Yourself

A resume is more than a one-page recap of your academic and career history. It is a brochure that sells YOU – your aspirations, your qualifications and your accomplishments.

Each resume should be highly individual, but there are some guidelines that should be followed.

You can choose a resume style from the samples below that best highlights your personal strengths.

This type is set up in reverse chronological order, most recent first. This style is best suited for those individuals with significant experience in their field.

This format uses titles (or job functions) as headings and may ignore historical format. Recent college grads use this style.

This format uses skill fields as headings and also ignores historical sequence. If you have diverse experience or you are trying to change careers, use this style.

Use the creative format only if you are working in a creative occupation, such as graphic design. Even then, use this style with discretion.

*Once you have chosen a style and written your resume, be sure to have the finished product critiqued by your our recruiter.